H'M    Op. 39


     Composer BETKO Milos





Video CIRCLE Peter & KLADIVO Jan Boleslav




Original Title Hm


Subtitle not quite a strange mood


Genre modern classical concert video-music



Instrumentation Flute, Clarintet in Bb, Piano,


Accordion, Viola, Violoncello


Duration 8 minutes



Year of Composition 2005


Copyright © Milos Betko (SOZA), Bratislava, Slovakia



Premiere LEJAVA Marian - Conductor


SIKULA Cyril - Flute


SEBESTA Ronald - Clarinet in Bb


SILLER Ivan - Piano


PALENIKOVA Eva - Accordion
PALOVIC Ivan - Viola


SIROTA Vladimir - Violoncello


Bratislava, Slovakia, 2005



Program note

This piece is so irrational and contrived that it is almost impossible to describe it in words. I have no doubt in my mind that it will become the cornerstone of Slovak serious music and many professional ensembles will choose it.
We know that if we immerse a body (it can also be a musical body, for that matter) into a liquid, it is miraculously subjected to an upward supernatural force. However, attempts to immerse oneself into this piece produce opposite results. There is no upward force. On contrary, it is trampled and suffocated by the weight of its own musical ideas. Non-diatonic parallel thirds, for instance. Ingenious invention. Rigid, yet logical. Or those anxious viola and cello registers, you can feel them down to your bones... And we must not forget the brilliant 19-beat rhythmic structure richly embellished with triplets, quintuplets and various phase shifts; no doubt it will satisfy musicians and all devotees of completely new music alike.
The video track is a bonus; I cannot believe we have deserved it.